Wednesday, 16 March 2011

things make me happy

1. Sleeping after a tiring day. I think I don't really need to explain this. You worked hard, you are tired, and you just want to finish your day in your nice, and comfortable bed.

2. Music... inspires me and one song can completely describe my feelings.

3. I'm not an acoholist, but I enjoy drinking wine! This mug contains mulled wine, I drank in Weinviertel of Vienna, when I visited the city with my friends. I like sit down with my friends, drinking wine or champagne and talking about everything. And actually wine is healthy for your body in small amounts, and the honest friend conversations can heal your soul, so go for it guys!

I am officially obsessed with clothes! I am addictive to buy them.

My aim is to have the biggest wardrobe in the world with the most stylish clothes.
I would buy some Mahnolo, and Choo, but I wouldn't wear them, because high heels are so uncomfortable for me.

5. I could't live without coffee. When I was a little child, I was wondering, why my mum loves to drink coffee. When I became 16, I understood and I have been being a coffee addiction. I must drink one mug every morning. (white coffee, without sugar)

6. My biggest dream is to love a big city close to the sea. Barcelona would be perfect, it is just a pity I can't speak any word in Spanish. I'm that kind of person whos mood is influenced by the weather, When it is hot, and shiny I'm happy, when it isn't just don't talk to me! (This picture was taken in Zadar, Croatia by my dad.)

In my oppinion giving and reciving love make everybody happy. I got this heart from Avanya (a girl, whom I look after) on the first day, when I met her.

8. I really like sending postcards to my friends, but receiving postcards from thfem is bigger pleasure for me.
I feel when they send me one, they give me a piece of their mind as a gift.

9. I don't like when something is to clean, and tidy, and steril. I'm organised in my disorganisation. I just love the irregular fact, you can take pictures of rubbish such as melon, plastic fork, fag, chewing gum, in such magnificent towns, like Venice. You know there everything is all aboout sophistication, beautiful old buildings, and well, rubbish... 

10. Maxwell and Avanya are my little devils. My job is to look after them. I can be really happy, when they don't blank me as usually, and they do as they are told to do by me. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen so often...

11. Breakfast is my favourite meal. Sometimes it's enough to eat a rich breakfast and just eat something light for dinner. Eaing is always good in good accompany. This photo was taken in a holiday with my friends in Italy. The weather was hot, we had plenty of time just for chill down, and eating as much delicious food as we can.

12. I enjoy everything about clothes, I am really happy when I get a fashion magazine. I like looking pictures of clothes, reading about trends, and catwalk shows. I think I would be very content if I worked for a fashion magazine. Who knows: Maybe I will be  the next Editor in Chief of Vogue...

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