Thursday, 7 April 2011


Your Existing Situation

"Craves change and new things, always looking for new adventures and activities. Becomes restless and frustrated when she has to wait to long for things to develop. her impatience leads to irritability and a desire to move on to the next project."

I hate boring things, if I get bored I just want to carry on and do something else. I need impressions to be inspired, otherwise I let myself down and be quite depressive. I love life when it is like a Vogue, you bought just today. You opened the magazine you have never seen, and you are greedy and excited to see the colorful pictures and to learn and develop yourself.

Your Stress Sources

"His stubbornness and will-power has become weakened due to current difficulties. Feels overworked and emotionally drain; as if all her work is for nothing and she is getting nowhere. The situation is very real to her and she wants to escape, but has no idea how to do so or how to even approach the situation rationally."

My mum says I inherited all of the stubornness of my father`s family. But it`s true my legendary stubbornnes not the same as it was. I chose my au-pair job, but I'm not myself. I have good moments, but I'm looking forward to change. I have two ways, go home to Hungary or choose the harder way, to live, work and study in London. My family doesn't really support me to stay here. I hope I will be strong enough to do what I REALLY want to do.

Your Restrained Characteristics

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.
Emotionally distant even from those closest to her.
His arrogance causes her to take offense quickly. Only those closest to her know deep down she is sensitive and sentimental.
"Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has."

Your Desired Objective

"Highly optimistic and outgoing personality. Loves to learn new and exciting things, and craves new interests. Looking for a well-rounded life full of success and new experiences. Does not allow herself to be overcome with negative thoughts or self-doubt. Takes life head on, with enthusiasm. "

I think is very common. Everybody wants to be succesful, balanced, and positive.

Your Actual Problem

"Feeling tension and stress brought on by situations which are out of her control, leaves her feeling helpless, anxious, and in adequate. she escapes the situation by throwing herself into new activities and insisting she get her own way. Appears to be in control of herself, which she isn't, leading to outbursts of anger."

I'm not in control of myself. I'm feeling insecure. Sometimes I feel I don't know who I am, why I am, and what do I really want to do, and who do I want to become.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


You know you’re Hungarian when…

1. you use sour cream more than ketchup.
2. nobody can properly pronounce your last name.
3. nobody can properly pronounce your first name.
4. sausages hanging in your grandfather’s auto repair shop is normal
5. Paprika is just as important as salt & pepper on the table and in food
6. half of your grandmother’s friends’ husbands’ have the name József
7. a family member thinks you are crazy and yells at you because you don’t wear “papucs” around the house at all times to prevent yourself from “felfázni”
8. meeting another Hungarian in a country outside of Hungary is amazing
9. you know the phrase “three is the Hungarian truth”
10. people wanna show off by saying that they know your capital: Bucharest! And no, they are not joking.
11. you can swear for 5 minutes straight, with one breath, not using the same word, ever.
12. you know why the bells of every church ring every day at noon.
13. you would rather stand up in a tram/trolley when there are plenty of seats available.
14. you can’t enjoy a day at the “strand” without a good lángos.
15. you watched Walt Disney cartoons each Sunday at 3:30 p.m.
16. your parents had at least a Lada, Kispolszki or a Trabant.
17. your grandma makes the best palacsinta.
18. you love “Túró Rudi” and you know that “csak a pöttyös az igazi”. 
19. your grandparents drink pálinka like water.
20. you do too.
21. everything has powdered sugar on it
22. refuse more food and you automatically have an eating disorder
23. someone says that Hungarian “is like Russian and all those other Slavic languages,” and then you have to go into great detail about the origins of Hungarian with a scolding history lesson
24. you perpetually have to teach people how to pronounce “Mosonmagyaróvár”, “Győr” and “Hegyeshalom”.
25. you have difficulty pronouncing words started with “W” in English, but you’re capable of creating long and meaningful sentences using only “E” vowels in you mother tongue
26. you greet elderly people with “Csókolom!” even when you’re 18.
27. you tell someone that you are Hungarian, they ask “Are you hungry?” Then you congratulate them on being the millionth person to say that to you
28. you, being a girl, smell like a mixture of 20 different perfumes on Easter Monday.
29. you, being a boy, run around with your mother’s old perfumes to earn more red Easter eggs on Easer Monday.
30. you don’t see ham for a year after Easter.
31. your grandparents put too much “Erős Pista” in the “halászlé” because it tastes better.
32. you don’t want to know what “haltej” really is.
33. you know where the “éjjel nappali” is located at the Moszkva Tér.
34. you watched Esti mese with the tévé maci each night before going to sleep.
35. you know and you like “Süsü a sárkány”.
36. you struggle to survive on August 20th to watch the fireworks.
37. you and your family are always spending your vacation at Balaton.
38. you never heard anybody say anything positive about politics.
39. you can’t imagine a summer without “sziget”.
40. you wish you would get 5 bucks everytime somebody says “I know a hungarian word… bazdmeg… *laugh*…”
41. you don’t know at least half of the people at family celebrations.
42. nobody believes that you don’t understand Finnish.
43. you keep an old black and white TV or any other useless object because maybe one day it will be good for something
44. you associate with the “Nyugati” station “tartós elem 4 darab egy 100as”.
45. you think that “Téli szalámi” is the best pepperoni in the world.
46. you have the largest collection of plastic bags in the world, but will still take loads from Tesco or Auchan
47. you don’t buy tickets for public transport
48. you had symbols in preschool to identify your stuff
49. WestEnd is a mall for you
50. you can say “megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért”